Actes de conférence
- Gagnon MP, Fortin JP & Lamothe L. Evaluation of healthcare information and communication technologies: A framework to support decision making. Proceedings of the1st International Conference on e-Society, IADIS. Avila, Spain, July 16th-19th, 2004
- Gagnon MP, Lamothe L, Fortin JP, Cloutier A, Godin G, Gagné C & Reinharz D. The impact of organizational characteristics on telehealth adoption in hospitals. Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Science. Big Island, USA, January 4th-8th, 2004. IEEE Computer Society
- Gagnon MP, Hebert MA. L’utilisation des télésoins à domicile auprès des populations rurales de l’Alberta. Actes du 16e Congrès de l’Association Latine pour l’Analyse des Systèmes de Santé. Montreal, October 11th-13th, 2005
- Gagnon MP, Fortin JP, Landry R. How can telehealth transform health care professional practice in remote regions? Proceedings of the 2nd IADIS Conference on e-Society. Qawra, Malta, June 26th-30th, 2005
- Lamothe L, Fortin JP, Labbe F, Gagnon MP, Duplantie J, Messikh D, Douillard D, Lepage C. Introducing telehomecare technologies: Impacts on consumers, providers and organizations. Proceedings of the AMHCR Conference. Lake Tahoe, USA, March 2nd-4th, 2005
- Gagnon MP. Information and communication technology adoption by healthcare professionals: An overview of theoretical models and their application. Proceedings of the IADIS Conference on Applied Computing. San Sebastian, Spain, February 24th-28th, 2006
- Gagnon MP, Duplantie J, Mezni H*, Fortin JP, Lamothe L. Facteurs d’adoption des télésoins en régions éloignées. Proceedings of the 2nd Emedysis Conference. Sfax, Tunisia, October 29-31, 2008
- Mezni H*, Gagnon MP, Duplantie J, Zeribi O. Perceptions des médecins envers le dossier de santé électronique. Proceedings of the 2nd Emedysis Conference. Sfax, Tunisia, October 29-31, 2008
- Desmartis M, Gagnon MP, Pollender H, Daigneault P, Bergeron C, Leblanc N. A qualitative analysis of factors influencing the adoption of CHUQ Sans Frontières (CHUQ Without Boarders), a videovisit project in neonatology. HICT 2011 International Forum on Health Care and Information Communication Technology, Barcelona, Spain, March 8th-10th, 2011
- Gagnon MP, Pollender H, Simonyan D*, Pelletier T, Bernier L. Factors influencing the adoption of interactive care methods by nurses. HICT 2011 International Forum on Health Care and Information Communication Technology, Barcelona, Spain, March 8th-10th, 2011
- Gagnon J, Asua J, López de Argumedo M, Gagnon MP, Desmartis M. E-learning modules for teaching research methods to nurses: An evaluation and international collaboration. HICT 2011 International Forum on Health Care and Information Communication Technology, Barcelona, Spain, March 8th-10th, 2011
- Dugas M, Béhanzin L, Guédou FA, Gagnon MP, Alary M. Salient beliefs about adherence: A qualitative survey conducted as part of the demonstration study on « treatment as prevention » (TasP) and « pre-exposure prophylaxis » (PrEP) among female sex workers (FSWS) in Cotonou, Benin. BMC Infectious Diseases 2016, 16(Suppl 2):O3
- Gagnon MP, Lampron A, Buyl R. Implementation and Adoption of an Electronic Information System for Vaccine Inventory Management. HICSS-49 Hawaï International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, Hawaï, January 5th-8th, 2016