Chaire de recherche du Canada
Technologies et pratiques en santé
La Chaire de recherche du Canada en technologies et pratiques en santé porte sur l'implantation des technologies innovantes pour soutenir le système de santé.


  • Gagnon MP, Fortin JP & Lamothe L. Evaluation of healthcare information and communication technologies: A framework to support decision making. Proceedings of the1st International Conference on e-Society, IADIS. Avila, Spain, July 16th-19th, 2004
  • Gagnon MP, Lamothe L, Fortin JP, Cloutier A, Godin G, Gagné C & Reinharz D. The impact of organizational characteristics on telehealth adoption in hospitals. Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Science. Big Island, USA, January 4th-8th, 2004. IEEE Computer Society


  • Gagnon MP, Hebert MA. L’utilisation des télésoins à domicile auprès des populations rurales de l’Alberta. Actes du 16e Congrès de l’Association Latine pour l’Analyse des Systèmes de Santé. Montreal, October 11th-13th, 2005
  • Gagnon MP, Fortin JP, Landry R. How can telehealth transform health care professional practice in remote regions? Proceedings of the 2nd IADIS Conference on e-Society. Qawra, Malta, June 26th-30th, 2005
  • Lamothe L, Fortin JP, Labbe F, Gagnon MP, Duplantie J, Messikh D, Douillard D, Lepage C. Introducing telehomecare technologies: Impacts on consumers, providers and organizations. Proceedings of the AMHCR Conference. Lake Tahoe, USA, March 2nd-4th, 2005


  • Gagnon MP. Information and communication technology adoption by healthcare professionals: An overview of theoretical models and their application. Proceedings of the IADIS Conference on Applied Computing. San Sebastian, Spain, February 24th-28th, 2006


  • Gagnon MP, Duplantie J, Mezni H*, Fortin JP, Lamothe L. Facteurs d’adoption des télésoins en régions éloignées. Proceedings of the 2nd Emedysis Conference. Sfax, Tunisia, October 29-31, 2008
  • Mezni H*, Gagnon MP, Duplantie J, Zeribi O. Perceptions des médecins envers le dossier de santé électronique. Proceedings of the 2nd Emedysis Conference. Sfax, Tunisia, October 29-31, 2008


  • Desmartis M, Gagnon MP, Pollender H, Daigneault P, Bergeron C, Leblanc N. A qualitative analysis of factors influencing the adoption of CHUQ Sans Frontières (CHUQ Without Boarders), a videovisit project in neonatology. HICT 2011 International Forum on Health Care and Information Communication Technology, Barcelona, Spain, March 8th-10th, 2011
  • Gagnon MP, Pollender H, Simonyan D*, Pelletier T, Bernier L. Factors influencing the adoption of interactive care methods by nurses. HICT 2011 International Forum on Health Care and Information Communication Technology, Barcelona, Spain, March 8th-10th, 2011
  • Gagnon J, Asua J, López de Argumedo M, Gagnon MP, Desmartis M. E-learning modules for teaching research methods to nurses: An evaluation and international collaboration. HICT 2011 International Forum on Health Care and Information Communication Technology, Barcelona, Spain, March 8th-10th, 2011


  • Dugas M, Béhanzin L, Guédou FA, Gagnon MP, Alary M. Salient beliefs about adherence: A qualitative survey conducted as part of the demonstration study on « treatment as prevention » (TasP) and « pre-exposure prophylaxis » (PrEP) among female sex workers (FSWS) in Cotonou, Benin. BMC Infectious Diseases 2016, 16(Suppl 2):O3
  • Gagnon MP, Lampron A, Buyl R. Implementation and Adoption of an Electronic Information System for Vaccine Inventory Management. HICSS-49 Hawaï International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, Hawaï, January 5th-8th, 2016