Chaire de recherche du Canada
Technologies et pratiques en santé
La Chaire de recherche du Canada en technologies et pratiques en santé porte sur l'implantation des technologies innovantes pour soutenir le système de santé.


  • Gagnon MP, Sanchez E, Pons JMV. Impacto de las recomendaciones basadas en la evaluación de tecnologías médicas en la práctica clínica. Encuentro de Salud Pública y Administración Sanitaria. Gran Canaria, Spain, November 1st-5th, 2005
  • Gagnon MP, Hebert, MA. L’utilisation des télésoins à domicile auprès des populations rurales de l’Alberta. XVIe Congrès de l’Association Latine pour l’Analyse des Systèmes de Santé. Montreal, Canada, October 11th-14th, 2005
  • Gagnon MP, Jennett P, Scott RE, Fortin JP, Landry R. Telehealth and rural medical practice: A survey among Alberta rural physicians. 8th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Telehealth. Winnipeg, Canada, September 25th-27th, 2005
  • Gagnon MP, Scott RE. Striving for evidence in e-health evaluation: Lessons from health technology assessment. Successes and Failures in Telehealth, Brisbane, AU, August 4th-7th, 2005
  • Gagnon MP, Duplantie J, Fortin JP, Landry R. How can telehealth transform health care professional practice in remote regions? IADIS Conference on e-Society, Qawra (Malta), June 26th-30th, 2005
  • Gagnon MP, Sanchez E, Pons JMV. An exploration of organizational and professional factors affecting the integration of HTA recommendations. Health Technology Assessment  International (HTAi) Conference. Rome, Italy, June 19th-22nd, 2005
  • Lamothe L, Fortin JP, Labbe F, Gagnon MP, Duplantie J, Messikh D, Douillard D, Lepage C.  Introducing telehomecare technologies: Impacts on consumers, providers and organizations. AMHCR Conference. Lake Tahoe, USA, March 2nd-4th, 2005