- Gagnon MP, Ndiaye MA, Larouche A, Chabot G, Chabot G, Buyl R, Fortin JP, Giguère A, LeBlanc A, Légaré F, Motulsky A, Sicotte C, Witteman H, Kavanagh E, Lépinay F, Roberge J, Délétroz C, Abbasgholizadeh-Rahimi S. Optimising Patient Active Role in Chronic Disease Management with a User-Centered eHealth Platform (CONCERTO+): A Solution to Overuse? Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 5-7, 2019.
- Dequanter S, Gagnon MP, Ndiaye MA, Gorus E, Fobelets M, Buyl R. The effectiveness of e-Health solutions for aging in place with MCI or dementia: Results of a systematic review. Alzheimer Europe Conference, The Hague, Netherlands, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
- Beauchamp-Chalifour E, Gagnon MP, Herrera Fortin T, Bou Assi E, Nguyen D. Tracking and detecting epileptic seizures with portable technologies: Protocol for a systematic review. 2nd International congress on mobile devices and seizure detection in epilepsy, Lausanne, Suisse, September 6th-7th, 2019.
- Motulsky A, Sicotte C, Moreault MP, Schuster T, Girard N, Buckeridge D, Gagnon MP, Tamblyn R. Using health information exchange: usage and perceived usefulness in primary care. International MedInfo Conference, Lyon, France, August 25th -30th, 2019.
- Gagnon MP, Ndiaye MA, Larouche A, Chabot G, Chabot G, Buyl R, Fortin JP, Giguère A, LeBlanc A, Légaré F, Motulsky A, Sicotte C, Witteman H, Kavanagh E, Lépinay F, Roberge J, Délétroz C, Abbasgholizadeh-Rahimi S. Personnaliser CONCERTO: l’expérience patient optimisée pour des soins intégrés, coordonnés et efficients. 30e Congrès de l’Association latine pour l’analyse des systèmes de santé (CALASS), Montreal, Canada, August 22th -24th, 2019.
- Ndiaye MA, Gagnon MP. La co-construction avec le patient, une nouvelle culture scientifique. 30e Congrès de l’Association latine pour l’analyse des systèmes de santé (CALASS), Montreal, Canada, August 22th -24th, 2019.
- Beretta V, Gagnon MP. The functioning of an HTA unit in primary care. 30e Congrès de l’Association latine pour l’analyse des systèmes de santé (CALASS), Montreal, Canada, August 22th -24th, 2019.
- Roch G, Vaillancourt C, Prud’Homme A, Turcotte S, Borgès Da Silva R, Poissant J, Pierce T, Gagnon MP. Utilisation des services d’éducation prénatale de groupe et en ligne offerts par des établissements intégrés de santé. 30e Congrès de l’Association latine pour l’analyse des systèmes de santé (CALASS), Montreal, August 22th -24th, 2019.
- Savard J, Ivers H, Caplette-Gingras A, Morin Charles, Gagnon MP, Bélanger L, Bouchard S, Lacroix G & Lauzon G. Efficacy and implementation in routine cancer care of a stepped care approach to offer cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia. Symposium WCBCT 2019, Berlin, Germany, July 17th -20th
- Gagnon MP, Rouleau G, Alami H. Threats And Opportunities To Digital Health In Primary Care. Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Annual Meeting. Cologne Germany, June 15th -19th, 2019.
- Beretta V, Gagnon MP. The configuration and impacts of a HTA unit in primary care. Health Technology Assessment international (HTAi) Annual Meeting. Cologne Germany, June 15th -19th, 2019.
- Motulsky A, Girard N, Tamblyn R, Gagnon MP, Sicotte C, Buckeridge D, Moreault MP. Adoption and Perceived Usefulness of Health Information Exchange. eHealth Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 26th -29th, 2019.
- Rhéaume C, Gagnon MP. Utilisation d’un appareil portatif de monitorage pour augmenter la motivation à pratiquer l’activité physique chez les personnes atteintes de diabète type 2. Journée érudition recherche du Département de médecine familiale et médecine d’urgence, Université Laval, Quebec, Canada, May 17th, 2019.
- Rouleau G,Pelletier J, Côté J, Gagnon MP, Lévesque R, Martel-Laferrière V, SimForHealth. Codevelopment of a digital simulator to strengthen relational competencies among nurses working with people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy. 28th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2019), Saskatoon, Canada, May 9th -12th, 2019.
- Dequanter S, Gagnon MP, Ndiaye MA, Dion J, Gorus E, Bourbonnais A, Giguère, Rahimi SA, Fobelets M, Buyl R. e-Health Solutions for Aging in Place with Cognitive Impairment: Preliminary Results of a Systematic Review. 5th International on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, Heraklion, Greece, May 2nd-4th, 2019.
- Rouleau G, Pelletier J, Côté J, Gagnon MP, SimForHealth Lévesque R, Martel-Laferrière V. Coconstruire un simulateur numérique pour consolider des compétences relationnelles: consultation virtuelle entre une infirmière et un homme vivant avec le VIH sous antirétroviraux. 1er Symposium annuel sur la recherche étudiante en sciences infirmières, Montreal, Canada, March 14th, 2019.
- Fontaine G, Cossette S, Maheu-Cadotte MA, Heppell S, Roussy C, Mailhot T, Côté J, Gagnon MP et Dubé V. Theoretical foundations, structure, content, and modes of delivery of behavior change counseling training programs for nurses. 40th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C., United States, March 6th -9th, 2019.
- Fontaine G, Cossette S, Maheu-Cadotte MA, Mailhot T, Heppell S, Roussy C, Côté J, Gagnon MP, Dubé Fondements théoriques, structure, contenu et modes de prestation des programmes de formation en counseling sur le changement de comportement destinés aux infirmières. 3ième Symposium sur la réadaptation cardiorespiratoire, Québec, Canada, February 22nd -23rd, 2019.
- Lambert A, Roch G, Martel B, Thibault N, Gauvin MC, Rhainds M, Lampron A, Gagnon MP. Improving practices and patient safety through the optimal use of interactive care methods by nurses. ITCH 2019, Victoria, Canada, February 14th-19th, 2019.