- Breton M, Lamoureux-Lamarche C, Nabelsi V, Hudin C, Singer A, Farrell G, Gagnon J, Gaboury I, Aubrey-Bassler K, Visca R, Liddy C, Gagnon MP, Steele Gray C. Evaluating the scaling up process of eConsult in four provinces of Canada. NAPCRG Annual Meeting, virtual edition, November 20-24, 2020.
- Sasseville M, Gagnon MP, Ndiaye MA, Larouche A, Chabot G, Chabot G, Buyl R, Fortin JP, Giguère A, LeBlanc A, Légaré F, Motulsky A, Sicotte C, Witteman H, Kavanagh E, Lépinay F, Roberge J, Délétroz C, Abbasgholizadeh-Rahimi S. User-centered design for promoting patient engagement in chronic diseases management: The development of CONCERTO+. NAPCRG Annual Meeting, virtual edition, November 20-24, 2020.
- Roch G, Turcotte S, Bogza LM, Prud’homme A, Muckle G, Pierce T, Poissant J, Berthelot N, Tarabulsy G, Blouin C, Allard V, Montreuil T, Gagnon MP. Impact de la crise de la COVID-19 sur la santé mentale de futurs et de nouveaux parents. Congrès provincial de la recherche mère-enfant (virtual), October 29th, 2020.
- Roch G, Allard V, Blouin C, Poissant J, Parent AA, Pierce T, Montreuil T, Goyette MS, Gagnon MP. Difficultés vécues par les futurs et nouveaux parents d’un premier enfant en contexte de COVID-19. Congrès provincial de la recherche mère-enfant (virtual), October 29th, 2020.
- Roch G, Prud’homme A, Turcotte S, Pierce T, Bogza LM, Poissant J, Blouin C, Goyette MS, Borgès Da Silva R, Gagnon MP. Différences de genre dans le recours aux services d’éducation prénatale de groupe et en ligne. Congrès provincial de la recherche mère-enfant (virtual), October 29th, 2020.
- Dequanter S, Gagnon MP, Ndiaye MA, Boucher M, Gorus E, Fobelets M, Buyl R. Perceptions of health care professionals on e-Health solutions for cognitively impaired community-dwelling older adults and informal caregivers in Flanders and Québec. Alzheimer Europe, virtual edition, October 20-22, 2020.
- Lapierre J, Chiasson R, Aboulhouda I, Roy G, Boucher A, Gagnon MP, Boutin S, Kankindi B. E-health, community housing and nursing interprofessionnal clinic for equity. 16th World Congress on Public Health, virtual edition, October 12-17, 2020.
- Lapierre J, Ouellet M, Goyer-Pétrin G, Gagnon MP, Dupéré S, Guillaumie L, Abdoulaye A, Côté A, Leblanc N, Uwineza V. Co-designing a virtual community of practice (VCoP) for maternal and child health in Burkina Faso.16th World Congress on Public Health, virtual edition, October 12-17, 2020.
- Lapierre J, Goyer-Pétrin G, Philibert L, Gagnon MP, Dupéré S, Guillaumie L, Ouellet M, Bationo F, Ouedraogo C, Rouamba S. Perceived outcomes and SWOT analysis of a virtual community of practice in Burkina Faso.16th World Congress on Public Health, virtual edition, October 12-17, 2020.
- Gagnon MP, Ndiaye MA, Boucher M, Dequanter S, Buyl R, Gorus E, Bourbonnais A, Giguère A, Abbasgholizadeh-Rahimi S. Suitable e-Health Solutions for Older Adults with Dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment: Perceptions of Health and Social Care Providers in Quebec City. 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, virtual edition, May 3-4, 2020.
- Fontaine G, Cossette S, Maheu-Cadotte MA, Mailhot T, Lavoie P, Gagnon MP, Dubé V, Côté J. Preliminary psychometric evaluation of the French versions of the User Engagement Scale – Short Form and the Cognitive Load Index: A cross-sectional study among nursing students. 8thInternational Nurse Education Conference, Sitges, Spain, April 26-29, 2020 Cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic
- Rouleau G, Gagnon MP, Côté J, Payne-Gagnon J, Hudson E, Dubois CA, Bouix-Picasso J. Lessons learned from a systematic review of systematic review on the effects of e-learning used by nurses in a continuing education context: what could we do next? 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Sitges, Spain, April 26-29, 2020 Cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic
- Rouleau G, Pelletier J, Côté J, Gagnon MP, Lévesque R, Martel-Laferrière V, Fontaine G. Codeveloping a virtual patient simulation to support nurses’ motivational communication skills in HIV care: Challenges, strengths, and lessons learned. 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Sitges, Spain, April 26-29, 2020 Cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic